The Animated Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)
The algorithm at the heart of AlphaGo, AlphaGo Zero, AlphaZero and MuZero
Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a heuristic search method, whose main purpose is to choose the most promising move, given the current state of a game. It does so through repeatedly playing the game starting from the current state, thus identifying promising moves and quickly abandoning the unpromising ones. As we will shortly see, the challenge lies in performing as little play-outs as possible, while looking ahead into the future as far as possible. MCTS is the key algorithm behind many major achievements in recent AI applications such as the impressive AlphaGo showdown in 2016, where AlphaGo outplayed the second-highest ranked Go player.
At first glance MCTS may appear as a simple algorithm, however it features a high level of hidden complexity, such as an inherent “exploitation-exploration trade-off”. Due to the highly dynamic nature of the algorithm — the search tree grows and is updated on each iteration — it is best explained using animations, a lot of animations. This will help you to quickly develop a solid mental concept of MCTS, making it much easier to understand groundbreaking advances like the famous AlphaGo, where MCTS is combined with neural networks.
In this article, we will start with the motivation behind MCTS. Next, we will introduce all the single steps the algorithm is made of: selection, expansion, simulation and backpropagation. We take a particularly close look at the backpropagation, as it is neglected in many tutorials. Finally, we will take a very close look at the mechanism behind the “exploitation-exploration trade-off”.
We are going to use a deterministic version of the famous environment grid world to get familiar with MCTS. In this version the agent accurately obeys our commands without slipping to the sides randomly:
Deterministic grid world (Image by author)
As you can see from the animation, we can choose from the four different compass directions (North, West, South, East). There are two final states: a winner state with a reward of +1 and a loser state with a reward of -1. All other states return a small negative reward of -0.02, which discourages wandering around aimlessly and that encourages taking the shortest route. The black cell is an obstacle and the agent cannot go through this cell.
If the agent bounces off the wall, it just stays where it is, however collecting a negative reward of -0.02.
Agent bounces off the wall (Image by author)
At the end of this post we will extend the grid world to have stochastic dynamics: under these conditions, if we command the agent to go north, there is, for example, a 10% chance that it will accidentally gear off to the left and a 10% chance that it will gear off to the right, and only a 80% chance that it will manage to go the direction we commanded.
Stochastic Environments (Image by author)
Last but not least, as a planning algorithm MCTS does require the environment to be able to store a state and to load a state, such that we can perform multiple play-outs, starting from the same state.
Storing and reloading of a state (Image by author)
As a side note: the grid world is a small example of what is called a Markov decision process (MDP).
Our goal is to find the quickest path to the positive reward in the upper right corner of the grid world. We will first devise a simple brute-force algorithm, which systematically tries out all possible combinations of actions.
Search tree, numbers below each node indicate total rewards
(Image by author)
First notice, how the representation of all the possible future states naturally leads to a tree-like structure. Each node of the tree represents a particular state in the game, whereas edges represent different actions. The child nodes of each node hence represent all possible next states a player can reach from there. The terminal states of the game are represented by leaf nodes and do not possess any children. The node at the top is called root node.
Please notice the hierarchical organization of the tree: the root node belongs to level 0, its child nodes belong to level 1 and their children in turn belong to level 2 and so on. Moreover, each level represents a different future point in time: level 0 represents the current step, level 1 represents all possible future states after taking a single action, level 2 represent all possible future states after taking two actions and so on.
Now, we notice an interesting thing: the total rewards (the numbers underneath each node) in all levels explored so far are identical. In particular, this means, that even after reaching level 2, we still cannot decide which action to take next. Thus, we need to expand the tree much deeper:
Shortest paths to the winner state after choosing an initial action (Image by author)
We see in the left part of the figure above, that by either taking the “up” or “right” action in the root state, we can reach the winner state in 5 steps. The maximal possible reward amounts to 0.92. Taking the “down” or “left” action, depicted on the right-hand side of the figure, involves at least one bump against a wall, only allowing the agent to reach the winner state at level 6 with the final reward reduced to 0.9.
We can conclude that expanding the tree in depth is crucial for proper decision-making. The flip side of the coin however is, that the amount of states we need to visit rises exponentially with each additional level:
At level 1: 4At level 2: 4² = 16At level 3: 4³ = 64At level 4: 4⁴ = 256At level 5: 4⁵ = 1024…At level 10: 4¹⁰ = 1.048.576
The 4 used above is the so called branching factor and corresponds to the number of actions we can take in each state. Go has a branching factor of approximately 250 (!!!), whereas chess typically has around 30 actions to choose from. Expanding just 5 steps ahead in Go, leads us to an astronomical number of possible states: 250⁵ = 976.562.500.000.
Visiting each and every node of the search tree is impractical, especially since for proper decision making we must expand the tree in depth to look further ahead into the future. But how can we make the brute-force tree-search algorithm above feasible for more complex tasks?
The solution that MCTS pursues, is to run repeated simulations called roll-outs or play-outs. In each play-out, the game is played out to the very end by selecting moves at random. The final game result is used to quickly identify and abandon unpromising paths and only concentrate on the more promising ones.
Random sampling of the search space (Image by author)
The total reward we obtain in the roll-out depicted above amounts to 0.62. Remember, that the shortest paths we explored before yielded a total reward of 0.92. We hence see a high variance in the outcomes of different simulations. In order to gain confidence about the statistics, we need to repeatedly runs simulations in the environment. This repeated random sampling of the search tree is what is implied by the name Monte-Carlo.
One last remark regarding the second phrase “tree-search” in MCTS: remember that the systematic traversal of a tree in order to find an optimal path is called: tree-search.
Initialize the root-node
The first thing we do is to reset the environment in order to start from a controlled state. We than save the state (it is actually a checkpoint which fully describes the initial state of the environment). Subsequently, we create a new search tree node and append the just obtained state to it:
Initializing the root (Image by author)
As we have seen in the introduction, a search tree is a hierarchical structure, where each node can be connected to many children, but must be connected to exactly one parent, except for the root node, which has no parent. An abstract data type representing a node must hence keep a list with pointers to the child nodes and a pointer to the parent node. Other important member variables of the node structure are:
reward: reward for taking action a in state svalue_sum: sum of all obtained value estimates
(see definition of value below)visit_count: how many play-outs contribute to value_sumstate: checkpoint describing the full state of the environment
In addition we will keep a list of all yet unvisited actions and a boolean variable indicating whether the state is terminal or not.
Expansion Step
We start by loading the state connected to the root node into the environment. Next, we pick an unexplored action from the set of unvisited actions. We step the environment using the just picked action and note down returned values such as reward, done, etc.
Expansion (Image by author)
Similar to the initialization step, we then load the new state from the environment, create a new search tree node and connect it to the state. Finally, we populate the reward member variable (and maybe other variables) with the just obtained values. Last but not least, we add a pointer from the root to the newly created child node and the pointer from the child node to the parent.
Please note, that in the MCTS version presented in this tutorial, we expand only a single node before continuing with the simulation step. Other flavors of MCTS might expand all child nodes first, before continuing with the simulation steps.
Simulation Step
The main purpose of the simulation step is to obtain an estimate of how promising the currently visited state is. Remember, that we define the notion of “how good” a state is, in terms of the cumulative reward that is expected to be collected from that state on, going into the future:
The cumulative reward, also called return, is calculated for the trajectory obtained during a random roll-out:
which starts at current state at timestep t, is played to the very end of the game, i.e. until a terminal state is reached, and whose actions are taken according to a random roll-out policy.
It is common to use a discount factor 𝛾 ∈ (0, 1) to give more weight to immediate rewards than to rewards received further into the future:
Furthermore, using a discount factor prevents the total reward from going to infinity for longer roll-outs (would you rather receive $1000 today or $1000 ten years from now?).
The above value is calculated on a single roll-out and may differ a lot depending on the randomly selected actions (we say: it has high-variance). To gain confidence about the statistics, we must therefore average over multiple roll-outs:
The expression above is called value-function in the literature: it is simply the expected sum of discounted future rewards, when starting in state t and following policy π thereafter.
Please note, that the expected return, of course depends on the specific policy the agent is following, which is indicated by π in the subscript of the expectation operator. In general value-functions are not only calculated for random policies, but for arbitrary policies.
Now, let us come back to the running example:
Play-out using a discount of 𝛾 = 1.0 (Image by author)
For convenience we use a gamma factor 𝛾 = 1.0. The first thing we do is load the state connected to the “up” child node into the environment. Then we play the game to the very end using the random roll-out policy. Finally, we note down the obtained return.
Backpropagation / Backup
First notice that the term backpropagate is a little misleading, since it has nothing to do with the backpropagation used in neural networks to compute the gradients.
The main purpose of the backpropagation step is to recursively update the value estimates of all nodes lying along the path from root to the just visited leaf node. The update is performed starting from the bottom of the search tree all the way up to the root. The entity being backpropagated is the value estimate obtained in the last simulation.
Backpropagation from timestep t + 1 to t (Image by author)
Please notice a little peculiarity: the reward with index t is actually granted for taking the “down” action in state t:
In our implementation it is however connected to the state at time t+1. This is a deliberate choice because this way we only have to keep a single reward per node. Alternatively, we would have to keep a list of four rewards (belonging to each action) in the state at time t.
Let us next derive the recursive formula: assume we have obtained an estimate of the value for the state at timestep t+1 by rolling out a random policy:
To get the estimate for the state at timestep t, we just need to add the previous reward to the above expression:
Of course, we have to consider the discount factor. The proof of the above expression is very simple: just plug in the first equation above into the second:
A similar recursive formula is also available for the value-function:
which we however won’t derive in this post. By the way, the above formula is called Bellman equation and is the foundation of many RL algorithms.
Now, let us come back to the running example:
Backpropagating from child node to the root (Image by author)
The first thing we do, is to add the estimate (value = 0.64) obtained in the simulation step to value_sum:
Next, we increase the visit_count:
This way, we keep track on how many play-outs our value estimate is based. Last but not least, we apply the above recursive formula to obtain a value estimate for the root node.
Fully expanding the root node
So far, we have seen the following steps of the MCTS algorithm: expansion, simulation and backpropagation. To wrap our knowledge, let us repeat all the steps for the child node belonging to the “right” action:
Expansion (Image by author)
The play-out performed in the simulation step happens to end up in the red loser state after taking 8 actions, yielding a negative value estimate of -1.16.
Play-out using a discount of 𝛾 = 1.0 (Image by author)
The last step we need to perform is to backpropagate. Please note, how the visit_count of the root node is always identical to the sum of the visit_counts of its child nodes.
Backpropagation (Image by author)
The exact same process of expanding, simulating and backpropagating is repeated for the remaining unvisited actions of the root node: “down” and “left”. Since the procedure should be clear by now, we skip the corresponding animations.
Selection Step
We arrive at the point where all child nodes of the root have been expanded and a single simulation has been run on each one of them. The root is fully expanded now:
Fully expanded root node (Image by author)
The question arises as to which of the child nodes we should select for further exploration. Remember, the goal of MCTS is to focus on promising paths, while quickly abandoning unpromising ones. The formula that satisfies all these conditions is called UCT (Upper Confidence Bound 1 applied to trees):
We apply the above formula to each of the child nodes and select the child node with the highest UCT value. The first part of the formula is simply the estimate of the value-function, we’ve introduced in a previous section, and reflects “how promising” the associated state is. The second part of the formula represents a bonus for rarely visited child nodes. We will see in a later section, that the first part corresponds to what is called exploitation, and the second part to what is called exploration.
Next, let’s plug all the values from the above figure into the UCT formula using c = 1.2:
The child node belonging to the “up” action is the best child and is selected. Let’s continue with the animation:
Selection, Expansion, Simulation and Backpropagation
(Image by author)
Let’s quickly recap what we know about the selection step: its main purpose is to find the most promising path from the root node to a leaf node using the UCT formula. To this end, we start at the top of the search tree and using UCT select the best child in level 1. Depending on the depth of the tree, we then continue with level 2 performing again UCT and selecting its best child. We repeat this procedure, until we reach a not (!) fully expanded node (aka leaf node) or a terminal node.
Once we reach a not fully expanded node (a leaf node that still has unvisited actions), we then proceed with the Simulation and Backpropagation steps. Remember that during Backpropagation all the value_sums and visit_counts along the path to the leaf node are updated. In the next iteration, we start again from the root node and use UCT to identify the most promising path.
Keep in mind that this path may differ significantly from the previous iteration due to the updates made during the last Backpropagation step: plugging the numbers from the last frame of the above animation
Selection, Expansion, Simulation and Backpropagation
(Image by author)
gives us the following UCT values for the root node:
This time the child node belonging to the “left” action is selected.
The Expansion step, as introduced above, refers only to selecting one of the unvisited actions and adding the corresponding child node to the tree. However, in the following, we will use the term expand a node to collectively refer to the three steps: Expansion, Simulation, and Backpropagation.
The two distinct steps of selection and expansion are oftentimes summarized under the term tree-policy:
Exploitation-Exploration Trade-Off
In this section we will explain the mechanism behind the UCT formula in detail. For illustrative purposes we start with an already built up search tree. The node depicted below is fully expanded (has four child nodes) and is located somewhere in, say, level 4.
Search tree (Image by author)
First, let us have a look at the visit_count of its child nodes. We see, that the “down” action was visited 4 times, while the others were visited only 3 times. If we compare the value_sum of each node, we find that the value associated with the “down” action is twice as large.
Now, dividing the value_sum by the visit_count gives us an estimate of how promising each state is:
Now, in order to select the best child, we could just go for the highest value above. In other words, we already have acquired some knowledge about how promising each state is, and now we just want to “exploit” that knowledge.
However, there is a danger with this strategy: please remember, that we use random simulations to obtain the estimates and those can be very noisy sometimes. A promising state could hence easily end up getting a low value estimate and vice versa. Just selecting a state, which only by chance got a high value, would completely stop further exploration for more promising paths.
For exactly this reason the UCT formula has a second term, which we will analyze next:
Let us first take a quick look, at same traversals going through our parent node:
Selection and Backpropagation through a node (Image by author)
For illustrative purposes, all the numbers in the example above have been chosen such that when using the UCT formula with c = 1.2, the “down” action is selected 5 times in a row.
Now, when you look carefully, you’ll notice, that during each backpropagation step the visit_count of the selected child node is incremented by one, whereas the visit_count of the remaining child nodes remains unchanged. Furthermore, the visit_count of the parent node is also incremented by one, since the backpropagations path always leads through it.
Next, let us plot the “exploration” part of the UCB formula for all four child nodes:
Exploration terms with increasing iterations (Image by author)
We see, that the value is increasing for all non-selected child nodes. This is logical, since their visit_count appearing in the denominator remains constant, while the parent’s visit_count in the nominator is incremented. In contrast, for the selected “down” node, the value is decreasing. Here the log of the visit_count of the parent node is increasing slower that the “unlogged” visit_count of the child nodes. Now, we see, that there must exist a future point in time, where the “exploration” part of the unvisited nodes has grown so large, such that they will eventually be revisited again.
This mechanism ensures “exploration” so that every once in a while paths that don’t look very promising at first are nevertheless explored in the future and could turn out to be very promising. Without this mechanism MCTS would completely disregarding paths that have not yet been explored. Exploration by UCB takes into account the number of times each action was chosen, and gives additional weight to the less-explored. The parameter c allows us to trade-off between “exploration” and “exploitation”.
Stochastic Environments
Let us quickly recap what defines a deterministic environment: we start from a particular state of our game and take an action, that teleports us to the next state. Now, we reset the environment to the same original state and repeat the same action. In a deterministic environment we always end up in the exactly same next state. However, in stochastic environments, the next state we end up in is uncertain.
The biggest adaptation we have to apply to MCTS, when dealing with stochastic environments, is the selection step. Remember, in the selection step we use the tree policy to construct a path from the root to most promising leaf node. Along the found path we have a particular sequence of actions.
In the deterministic case, starting in the root state and applying this sequence of actions would always lead us to exactly the same states along the path. In the stochastic case, the visited states could however be totally different, as the animation below shows:
Reapplying of each action along the best path (Image by author)
The pale blue states show the states which were visited during the last iteration. The dark blue states are the states we reach in the current iteration when reapplying the same actions.
Visiting different states along the path, also means collecting different rewards. We have to keep this in mind, especially since these rewards will later be used in the Backpropagation step to update the value estimates. Hence, we have to update the reward member variables of each node along the path.
Let us quickly summarize the stochastic version the selection step: we start at the root node and choose the best child according to UCT formula. However, unlike in the deterministic case, we don’t just continue with the best child node, but reapply the corresponding action to root’s state (in the environment). We transit to the next state and obtain a reward. Due to the stochastic nature of the environment both may differ from iteration to iteration. Hence, we need to update the reward member variable of the best child and store the latest state. We repeat this process until we reach a leaf-node.
The repeated updates along the best path in each iteration of course require more computational power. Furthermore, depending on the degree of stochasticity, more overall iterations may be needed to get a sufficient confidence into the statistics.
Monte Carlo Tree Search — beginners guide
State Values and Policy Evaluation
Relationship between state and action value function in Reinforcement Learning.
Value Functions
Monte Carlo Tree Search
The Animated Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) was originally published in Towards Data Science on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.